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Hi there, my name is Caitlin.

I'm a community artist who makes collaborative public works, using puppetry, procession and interactive installations made from reclaimed materials. I create through explorative process in collaboration and I'm thrilled to be part of Elevate. Let's play!


Brass bands and revolution; industrial, social, cultural and ecological. Inspired by the traditions of wandering minstrels making music for the masses, this project combines live underscoring with community-led shadow puppetry in an outdoor public procession.


Weaving together community-sourced stories and the natural heritage of the area local to the band, we'll collaboratively devise a new folklore of social revolution and translate it into a short piece of shadow puppetry set to music. The piece will be selected or devised with the band in response to the stories that emerge from the community, and the shadow puppets created together in a workshop with wider participants. At the end of our process we will perform this story and song, illustrated through moving image puppeteered by local participants, and walked through public space with a large shadow screen banner and a procession of the band and puppeteers. 

Throughout our 9-month collaboration we will:

- have time together to create across art forms and exchange approaches to community engagement

- connect with community members to introduce them to the band, tell stories and make puppets together

- perform a public procession

- film our process and performance for a digital archive

- investigate future ways our work can be exhibited and enjoyed

- create a shadow banner for the band that may be kept as a memento or used in future performances



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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