Puppets created for interactive,
online video performance
Caitlin is currently working on projects that unite audience participation, puppetry and online streaming audiences.
Virtual Puppetry Residency - Artistic Residency, 2020
Bureau Of Silly Ideas, Club Silly Thing-A-Ma-Jig - Development Commission, 2021
with support from the London Community Response Fund
Blind Summit in partnership with the London International Mime Festival: What's So Special About Zoom? - Research and Development, 2021
FLY ON THE WALL - Virtual Puppetry Residency International Puppet Festival Showing
(premier scratch performance + interview with the artist)
This project began as an investigation into what a site-responsive (online) interactive puppetry project might look like. Initially, the research and development into this concept were undertaken as part of the Virtual Puppetry Residency; an online-only artistic residency directed by Tom Sarver and made possible by the Pittsburgh Center for Arts and Media and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Resident artists each worked on a self-directed project developed specifically as 'puppets for the online medium'.
‘Fly On The Wall’ is an interactive, immersive online puppetry adventure wherein an entire remote audience of up to 500 people has the collective first-person experience of becoming a fly. The work will take live theatre practices and apply a video-calling lens to engage audiences both physically and on-line. The puppets incorporate streaming devices to give audiences a first-person view of the performance from within.
A scratch showing was held on the 12th of December in the Virtual Puppetry Residency International Puppet Slam, alongside puppet artists from countries around the world.
"Fly-On-The-Wall" has since been generously been awarded funding for development as a Club Silly Thing-A-Ma-Jig Commission, part of the Bureau Of Silly Ideas and funded by the London Community Response Fund.
A larger version of the work was developed and showcased on February 27th. This was presented among 5 other commissions for the showcase, and the Fly On The Wall segment begins at 28:23 in the below video.
FLY ON THE WALL - Club Silly Thing-A-Ma-Jig Development Commission Showcase
(developed performance + interview with the artists)
International Puppet Festival poster